Matariki holiday activities

For the final and third activity I choose one of Ururangi and its activity was to make a collage depicting the wind for this I choose to use many different colour pieces of paper the swirls are the wind and the blue is for the sky and basically its about its a really windy day and a lady was walking and wind is so strong it blows her umbrella away and in the sky is heaps of stuff from the  newspaper and leafs. I really  enjoyed  putting things in my head out on paper but it was a very messy and sticky but fun .

what do you do on a rainy day ?


Matariki holiday activities .

On the 28th of Wednesday Whaea  Sarah gave us the choose three cards from different a Matariki star .for my second one have chosen a activity from Tupuārangi  and its activity was to  create a piece of art dedicated to the native Manu and their inspired to incorporate  leaves and feathers. I choose a Piwakawaka cause they are curious and hop around our plum tree and it makes me happy when I see the hoppy squeaking Piwakawaka. For this I used water color pencils, posca paint pens and and a vivid. I really enjoyed researching about the piwakawaka and found out that they eat invertebrates such as moths, flies, beetles and spiders.

what s your favourite native Manu ?

Matariki holiday activities .

on Wednesday the 28th of June Whaea Sarah gave us some Matariki holiday activities to do in the holidays and blog about the activities we have done for my first card I choose a Hiwa-e-te-rangi card and its activity was   if you had five wishes what would you wish for?wish big create a collage, art piece .song or skit. I did an art piece I used mostly post paint pens and a trusty vivid .                                                        my five wishes are…                                                                                                                                                                                                     1.wish that money process would go down for everything .  2.wish that my Oumas dog summer wouldn’t have cancer .                                                                                      3.wish that everyone could believe that they are good at everything especially things they are not good at.  4.wish that ingredients for soap was cheap so I could make soap.  5. wish that I could have my own garden.

If you had five wishes what would you wish for?

The worm hunt

On  the calm afternoon of Friday the 16th  of June Nikau had invited Kowhai class to come for a worm hunt with us to find worms for  our class pet Popcorn the Axolotl. After Kowhai had look at popcorn up close because we had tubbed her so we could clean her tank because the water  very dirty and murky,  we were paired up we went up the hill near the ducks.And we scratched the dirt for worms.It was great running and walking up and down the hill butt in the end Whaea Sarah slipped on the hill and fell on her bottom and got her new shoes muddy very muddy.                                                                                                                                          what is your favourite colour axolotle ?

Coffee Club christmas cup competition.

We are doing the christmas cup competition. we have to decorate a piece of paper of the theme chirstmas and kiwiana. I am very happy about this because I love art and arty. The winner gets 1,000 dollars and second gets 600 and 400 dollars and 200 dollars for other prizes if i win I will give the money to my parents to pay for food and petrol cause its very expensive at the moment.
if you had 1,000 dollars what would you do with it.


Today is our schools production that we have prepared and practiced for weeks now and now today we are preforming our whole school production during the day we are going to do the grandparents show
and at night we are preforming for our parents I am staying at school until the show were also having a sausage sizzle for dinner.
I am a nervous but also really excited.
Have done a production before?

First disco of 2023

yesterday the 23rd of march we had our first disco for 2023 .It was my first disco at Oruaiti school to be honest that was the best disco I ever been to. I had the time of my life there was drinks,ice cream and apple crumble and burgers .For the disco I went as Sandy Olsslan out of a sixty’s movie greese.I had heaps of fun that night.
have you been to a disco this year and what was your costume.

Life education

we went to see life education with a Harold the giraffe first I thought it was a little bit creepy first because I’ve never been to life education before because I used to live Auckland and only some schools got somethings that others didn’t such as life education. It was really interesting we talked about making choices and decisions we talked about how different influences make different choices and decisions.I actually liked it in the end.
have you ever been to life education before?

poet study

our class is doing a poet study just like an author study but poets I have done mine about Margaret Mahy new Zealand’s and internationally famous for her children’s book’s and short stories and poetry we are doing this so we can learn about new Zealand’s famous poets and New Zealand’s history.
do you know anyone famous for doing anything awesome in New Zealand?

Painting the school back drops.

The last couple of weeks some students out of Nikau class have been painting some of the back drops for our school production.I have done my classes back drop footrot flats, good night kiwi and a little bit of the weet-bix logo our school production is about kiwiana.I enjoyed painting the back drops it was fun but I still have to finish my work in my time at home or when I have time to at school.This is my first and only production at oruaiti school be cause they only have productions every two years.
have you ever done a production before?