yesterday we did paintball in Pahia it was so fun we went with Manuka class. I was in the blue team the shots didn’t really hurt i think it was the bruise’s hurt more after than the shot. I got shot heaps I got shot in the waist,twice in the collarbone, arm and thumb I have no bruises but it hurts.
This is one of the moments I have.
As I kneeled down waiting as the andrillon rose the wet grass ran to me soaking my pants were my knees turning that space a musty old dark green and brown. While the loud sharp pangs filled the air as the paint exploded on the sigh that we were hiding behind as we kneeled firing and pulling the trigger. I turn and look at Mi’le and then to Whaea Sarah she shouted out at Mi’le and I to run and they will cover for us as I kept leaning back an fourth wanting to run as iI looked around continuously around . Then Whaea Sarah told us to go three times in row then Mi’le an I leaped and ran across the bridge as paint flyed past from the other team and Whaea Sarah defending us.As our feet thump on the bridge and my heart was thumping and pounding, when we ran though the grass and landed behind the rusty tractor as a sheild. I felt a relief, took a deep breath and raised my gun to return to shooting the other team.

Have you ever played  paintball ?

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